Tuesday, May 19, 2009

East Side versus West Side

One of the biggest decisions we have to make is who's hometown we'd like to get married in. I know that traditionally, the wedding takes place in the bride's hometown but I'm not opposed to mixing it up a bit. Breaking the rules can be good, right?

Basically Gary and I grew up on opposite sides of the state. He's from the East side of Michigan while I was born and raised on the West side. For those of you from Michigan or who have visited both sides of the state, you know that they are completely different. On the East side, the houses are built a few feet from each other. On the West side, people actually have YARDS! On the West side, people are friendly and polite. On the East side, you find people have a little bit more attitude and people don't always say thank you when you hold the door open (no offense East-siders!). And while the West side has grown tremendously in the last few years, the East side has a ton more restaurants, bars, and things to do in general.

I've found that none of these differences really pertain to our wedding planning. When it really came down to it, it was all about ease of planning for me. Given that we are trying to plan an entire wedding in less than 6 months, I thought for my sanity, we should probably get married on the East side of the state. That way, we don't have to travel to meet with vendors and we can run errands during the week after work and I don't have to transport any monsterrous DIY project I decide to tackle.

So there you have it. Decision made. East side baby.

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