Thursday, June 25, 2009

Leaving the House Naked

I did just that this week.

No not NAKED naked...but minus my ring. I totally FELT naked without it! Yes, I take my ring off at night...and when I shower...and when I wash my hands...and when I go to the gym...I think I'm still in that "I don't want anything to ruin how pretty it is" phase. The day after Gary proposed in Cabo, I didn't even wear it to the pool because I was afraid of what chlorine/sunscreen/sand would do to it! People at the pool that day thought I was CRAZY for not wearing it! (I also don't like to wear it when I'm blow drying my hair. The little bugger gets HOT!!)

So I left the house without it. And I almost felt ashamed all day! I found myself hiding my left hand or announcing to anyone who would listen that I forgot to put on my ring. I thought anyone who noticed I wasn't wearing it would think we were already having problems - before we even got hitched!

Silly girl, I know. But I'm hoping to never have that happen again. Unless I'm getting it cleaned. Or sized because I lost 20 lbs. Or upgraded to 3 carats...just kidding G - you know I love it just the way it is!!!


The Weltes + 1 said...

I did that once last summer! I noticed it when I got half way to work and debated turning around, but chose not to. Hated the feeling of not having it on! I did the same thing with announcing that I forgot it. haha

julielsimon said...

I did that too shortly after we got engaged! It's amazing how quickly the ring becomes a part of you!