Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's Officially Official!

Those of you not close to the automotive industry probably aren't familiar with the top-secret, CIA-esque launching of a new vehicle. Although GM has been more transparent with this one than others in the past, the production version of their new electric vehicle, the Chevy Volt, has been surrendered to the automotive game of hide-and-go-seek as of late. Today, they officially unveiled the production version at GM's 100th Anniversary celebration here in Detroit. Why should you care, you ask? Because this is what I'm working on. This is what keeps me employed. This could change the future of the automobile. And it's not a bad looking car to boot. What do you think?


Brink Boys said...

I would like it even more if it let you go to Vegas for a show and I got to go with =-)!!!!!!

The Weltes + 1 said...

I like it a lot. Let me know when you get to test drive it Kater!

LMN(laurie/mom/nana) said...

I Love the looks of this car! Very cool!