Sunday, November 9, 2008

WMU vs Illinois

WMU played at Ford Field this past weekend and with Gary being a die hard fan, of course we attended. Wait - let me clarify that - we not only attended but we had first row seats. I don't think I've ever been that close to any sports field! The only bad part, the cheerleaders were directly in front of us. Nothing against cheerleaders, I used to be one, but they did get in the way a few times.

Here is Gary and I - you can see our prime view behind us

So close we even got Buster Bronco to acknowledge us

The game was fun - they even served beer - and the end result made a lot of happy Western fans. A picture of the scoreboard, just to prove it. Some -ahem, Gary - might say that since Illinois beat U of M and Western beat Illinois, that Western would for sure be able to beat U of M too. I'll go along with that theory.

After the game we ate at Loco's, my favorite Mexican place (besides Don Pablo's, I'm still upset they closed!) We hit up the casino and ended the night at The Old Shillelagh. The Shillelagh, as it is affectionately referred to as, is truly an experience that cannot be explained. It is a "must see for yourself". However, our evening could probably be summed up with a few words:

Beer, an Irish band that is encouraged to drink while performing, beer, Irish songs with hand motions and sing-along lyrics, more beer, a table of cougars* and the use of ashtrays and beer pitchers as noise makers.

*Cougar: A woman of middle age who actively seeks the casual companionship of younger (typically under 30 years old) males.

1 comment:

Brink Boys said...

I would love to hear Gary argue that theory with Dad...