Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

So I was bummed that my sister and the boys couldn't come visit this weekend. I even had all their favorite snacks in the house! Which is bad news because now without them to eat it, guess who will instead?? I am happy that Logan is feeling better, it was for the best that he got sick at home and not while they were over here.
To help lift my mood, I decided that we should put up the Christmas tree. Gary and I bought our own tree this year and I had stocked up on Christmas merchandise last year when everything was 50% off at Target. I'd forgotten everything I bought until I opened up the "Christmas Decorations" box! It was like shopping all over again without spending any $!

Here I am "fluffing" the branches to hide the bare spots...hey, what do you expect from a Wal Mart tree? :)

And here we are with the finished project. I think I'll have to make new bows next year, I always feel that I'm one bow short.

We also had a heck of a time getting that star to stay on top. That thing is heavy! By stuffing enough branches in it, we finally got it situated. It might be a little crooked but hey, it gives it character!

Who's with me on early decorating???