Sunday, August 24, 2008


Since Gary and I have been in the condo for over 6 months now, we finally decided to do some painting. Originally the whole condo was the same color - boring beige. Well I'm sick of beige! Here are two projects that we've finished in the last month or so.

Project #1: the basement ceilings, hall and stairway

The stairway up to the main floor of the condo was a MESS! Between the previous owners moving in and out and then us attempting to bring in furniture that didn't fit, bringing up all new appliances, bringing back down the too-tall fridge and dented dishwasher and hauling up the right size fridge and dent-free dishwasher, the walls and ceiling really took a beating. We chose what I describe as a cocoa brown, with an official name of Sweet Georgia Brown. I think it looks a million times better!

Project #2: the half bath downstairs

Special thanks to my mom for helping me with this one. We finished the project while Gary was away golfing. I already had a red and black theme going on so we decided to paint the walls a deep red as well. After three coats...voila - we had COLOR!!

Next up: maybe the master bathroom? I'm thinking GREEN!


The Weltes + 1 said...

love the colors! looks great!

julielsimon said...

nice work -- every "man pad" needs a women's touch!