Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Rock-afire Explosion

As children of the 80's most of us have been to Show Biz Pizza once or twice. I always remember the pizza being really good (which it probably in reality wasn't) but my favorite part was the animatronic band called The Rock-afire Explosion.

Aparently when Show Biz Pizza went under, the company producing the animatronic characters still had 80 sets that had yet to be sold. Therefore, they have been selling them off to various collectors and Rock-afire Explosion fans. One fan figured out how to hack into the system and program the band to perform current songs such as Love in this Club by Usher. Check out the video below.

If you're interested in the whole story, click here.

How funny is that???


Anonymous said...

SHUT UP! That was awesome and brought back SO many memories - I can just about smell that place right now. I forgot how much I LOVED the cheerleader girl and would get excited when it was her turn. That just made my night!

Brink Boys said...

Someone sent me this awhile back...hilarious! If I remember correctly you were not a big fan of the gorilla =)